Church Mission

All the activity at Redemption Church can be summed up in our ministry mission statement:

“To Be and to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ”

What this means primarily:

  1. To be a Christian is to be a disciple of Jesus.  These two terms are synonymous in the Bible.  A “disciple” is someone who learns from and trusts in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  2. It is the responsibility of every Christian to help in making other disciples, which is to tell others about Him and to help each other become better disciples.

This mission is a loving one, born out of thankfulness for the grace and mercy of God toward us in rescuing us from our sin, by Jesus’ death and resurrection.  We desire others to know and receive the blessing of salvation found only through trusting in Jesus Christ.

However more importantly, making disciples is also one of the commands of Jesus:

And Jesus came and said to them (his disciples)… “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew’s Gospel, 28:18-20

The primary reason to make other disciples is that God has given Jesus “all authority”.  Christ by virtue of his death and resurrection has received this authority over heaven and earth to act as both its Saviour and Judge.  Therefore our disciple-making is actually part of Jesus exercising his authority to save people, of which we take part, and we do so also with the accompanying message that He himself will one day judge every person.  We follow Jesus because He is the one whom God has now appointed to bring us to salvation.

Our Core Values

Christ Centred Salvation is in Christ alone
People Focussed In Jesus God is saving people
Bible Based The Bible is God’s Word able to teach both how we can be saved & how saved people ought to live make wise for salvation & equip for Christian life
God Honouring We strive to glorify God in all things and for for the obedience that comes from faith
Prayerfully Dependent As it is God who causes the growth of his Kingdom and his People we pray to him for this growth
Disciple Making Jesus commands his disciples to make disciples
Self-Sacrificing Jesus calls us to follow his example of self-sacrifice and service
Flexibly Uncompromising In proclaiming Christ we strive to be all things to all people without compromising the Gospel

Our Methods

The primary of the ways in which we encourage believers in church family to grow and to reach out to others for Jesus include:

  1. Church Services & Preaching Ministry
  2. Bible Study & Small Group Ministry
  3. One to One Bible Reading
  4. Personal/Work Evangelism
  5. Evangelistic Training Workshops
  6. Christian Book Club
  7. Ministry & Prayer Partnerships
  8. Kids Church
  9. Theological College Training

You can find out more about these on our website, or by coming along to Church and Getting Involved

Despite COVID-19 restrictions, we are still “meeting” online regularly at 5pm on Sundays for zoomCHURCH@5 – contact us for the Zoom meeting number and join us on your nearest screen.  

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